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August pedagogical conference of educators

August pedagogical conference of educators

On August 26, in the assembly hall of the 1st building of Ivanovo State University, the traditional regional August pedagogical conference of educators was held.

The conference was attended by heads of executive and legislative authorities, educational institutions, the pedagogical community of the region, representatives of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education: the chairman of the regional organization of the Trade Union Nadezhda Moskaleva, the chairmen of territorial trade union organizations.

The conference participants discussed topical issues of the development of the regional education system, ensuring the availability of the education quality. They also summed up the results of the work of the regional education system in 2020-2021 academic year and identified tasks for a new academic year.

The Governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Voskresensky addressed the audience. In his speech, he highlighted several decisions made taking into account the coronavirus situation: the school year begins in a full-time format, each school can hold an opening meeting in the open air for all classes. These decisions became possible thanks to the responsible attitude of teachers to their health. "In our schools there is so-called collective immunity – in other words, the number of people who have been ill or vaccinated – exceeds 70%. This is a serious indicator, so I thank you for such a very responsible approach," the governor said.

Stanislav Voskresensky also said that all teachers, regardless of qualification level, kindergarten teachers, teachers of colleges and additional education will be paid a lump sum of 10 thousand rubles. The same payment will be received by employees of territorial bodies for people social protection. Nannies in preschool educational organizations will receive 7000 rubles.

At the end of his speech, he presented the badge "Honorary Worker of Education and Education of the Russian Federation" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to teachers of the Ivanovo region, who deserved it with their work and patience.

Head of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo region Olga Antonova also stressed that 36 graduates in 2021 received a score of 100 points on the exam. A graduate of Lyceum No. 33 was able to score 300 points in three exams. Three Ivanovo residents were able to win at the All-Russian Olympiads, eight more became prize-winners.

Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Ivanovo Regional Duma Mikhail Kizeev spoke about the work of the Commission on Education. He urged the children to love their native land and participate in projects to study it.

Rector of IvSU Alexey A. Malygin informed the participants of the Pedagogical Council about the contribution of the university to the provision of personnel to the regional education system. Rector noted that our university chooses 3 strategies in the training of personnel of the regional education system: pedagogical directions (mainly the Shuya branch of IvSU), areas of subject training and additional professional programs with qualifications.
