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Ivanovo State University and autonomous non-profit organization “Sodeystvie” signed the agreement on cooperation

Ivanovo State University and autonomous non-profit organization “Sodeystvie” signed the agreement on cooperation

The officers of Ivanovo State University and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Sodeystvie - Center for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders" signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science.

The main forms of cooperation are: participation in various conferences, seminars, competitions held on the basis of and jointly with ANO "Sodeystvie", specialized research works, joint scientific publications and analytical reports, joint seminars and practical courses on the basis of IvSU.

The parties also agreed to continue joint activities to develop social, scientific and educational projects. In 2021 ANO "Assistance" helped to develop a passport for the social project "Designers of Inclusive Environment" to participate in the All-Russian competition of youth projects.

This project is already being implemented on the basis of the university. Within the framework of the new project, it is planned to expand the target audience and the geography of the events.

Ivanovo State University and ANO Sodeystvie have been cooperating for several years, constantly expanding the fields of joint activity.
