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Results of the I Regional Competition “Inclusion - the world we live in”

Results of the I Regional Competition “Inclusion - the world we live in”

On June 14 in Ivanovo Center for Culture and Recreation the results of the I Regional Competition "Inclusion – the world we live in" were summed up. This competition aims to promote inclusion and the acceptance of people with disabilities among students of educational institutions. Students of the 1st and 2nd years of Pedagogical Education (Teaching Foreign Languages) programme took part in the organization of the award ceremony.

For their help students received gratitude from the director of the Center for Assistance to People with Autism Spectrum Disorders "Assistance" headed by A. Egorova, a graduate of IvSU. This academic year our students took part in the center events three times: in the traditional “Inclusive Party in Blue”, in the adapted film screening for children with advanced needs, and in the award ceremony for the winners of the “Inclusion – the world we live in” competition. We look forward to continuing our cooperation!
