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"Sports Festival" was held in IvSU

"Sports Festival" was held in IvSU

On June, 1 in the sports centre of Ivanovo State University, the annual "Sports Festival" was held. It combined the awarding of distinguished athletes and prize-winners of sports contests and dynamic performances of talented IvSU students.

Igor Baranov, Chairman of the Committee for Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the City Administration of Ivanovo, and Aleksey Malygin, Rector of IvSU, addressed the audience with welcoming speeches.

In a solemn atmosphere, the results of the IvSU sport contest in team sports were announced.

The team of Institute of Humanities took the 1st place in the women's volleyball and basketball contest. The team of Institute of Mathematics, Information Technology and Natural Sciences took the 1st place in the men's basketball contest. The team of Institute of Social and Economic Sciences took the 1st place in the mini-football contest. The athletes were awarded and thanked for their active participation in the life of the university and the city.

The most expected, of course, was the announcement of the results of the team event. As a result, Institute of Social and Economic Sciences took the 3rd place, Institute of Mathematics, Information Technology and Natural Sciences took the 2nd place, and Institute of Humanities took the 1st place.

And, of course, special attention should be paid to the bright numbers that accompanied the holiday: touching songs, rhythmic dance performances, performances of athletes. The presenters also successfully lifted the spirits of both the audience and the performers. We sincerely congratulate our winners and wish them further sporting success!
