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Opening of the International scientific and practical conference on the Russian language

Opening of the International scientific and practical conference on the Russian language

On May 25, 2021 at 10 AM in the conference hall of the 6th study building of IvSU, the opening of the I International scientific and practical conference "Russian language and culture in the international educational space" took place.

The conference was held for 2 days. The organizer is the Center for Russian Studies and International Education of the Institute of Professional Development of Ivanovo State University. The goal of the conference is to discuss topical problems of teaching Russian language to foreign students in conditions of the pandemic and digitalization of education, search for ways to popularize the Russian language abroad, test the results of scientific research and exchange pedagogical experience.

Opening the conference, the rector of IvSU Aleksey Malygin expressed his confidence that this first conference would set up a new tradition, since over the past decades teachers of IvGU had accumulated vast experience and created a rich scientific and practical base. During the conference interested participants and listeners will have a chance to get scientific knowledge, cultural experience, establish personal communication and make cultural and educational excursions. The rector wished the participants success, good performances, interesting and difficult questions that will open up new horizons for seeking thought.

The host of the event Irina Ibragim, head of the Center of Russian Studies and International Education, gave the floor to the Ombudsman of Ivanovo region Svetlana Shmeleva who participated in the conference online. In her speech Mrs. Shmeleva thanked the administration of the university for the invitation to participate in the conference, emphasized the comprehensive, truly state nature of the topic brought up for discussion.

Ombudsman emphasized that it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the harmonious development of international relations, the formation of tolerance, a culture of behavior, an intercultural dialogue. IvSU, where more than 400 foreign students from 40 countries study, has wonderful traditions in all these aspects.

At the end of the plenary session, the conference continued its work: the participants had a master class on working with a textbook, participated in book presentations and took part in Russia-Congo teleconference.
