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Rectorate meeting IvSU students

Rectorate meeting IvSU students

On May, 21 in the assembly hall of the 1st study building IvSU rector Aleksey Malygin and the vice-rectors met group monitors and a student initiative group.

Opening the meeting IvSU vice-rector for social development and international relations Nikita Sorokin underlined that the university administration adheres to the principle of open dialog with teachers and students and is ready for questions and queries. As a confirmation of this thesis vice-rector for research and project activity Inna Smirnova offered everybody to come to her office once a week (Wednesday after 3 PM) with all problems and suggestions.

IvSU rector Aleksey Malygin explained to students the structure of decision-making process concerning the university development program. He also talked about acceptance procedures and noted that our university differs from other Ivanovo ones as it has more budget places. Dr. Malygin underlined that it is quite important to shape “4C” skills of a modern student (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) inside the university.

Students also had a chance to ask their questions and make suggestions which were different and sometimes quite burning: budget places for economics and ;aw students, a possibility to choose profile sport programs, influence of COVID on the studying process and many other issues.

University administration took a deep interest in students’ questions and suggestions, gave comprehensive answers and set deadlines for their implementation.
