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IvSU students took part in New Knowledge marathon

IvSU students took part in New Knowledge marathon

On May, 21 IvSU students joined New Knowledge online marathon and listened to top-ranking speakers.

The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Fedration Valery Falkov welcomed the participants and turned the floor over to Dmitry Peskov, Deputy Chair of President Administration, spokesman of Vladimir Putin. He talked about media education and fake news. Mr. Peskov underlined that fake news is a dangerous arm actively used against Russia and called everybody to keep trying to distinguish truth and lie.

Many other top-ranking speakers joined the discussion. They were Sergey Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Medinsky, the President Assistant and Dmitry Chernyschenko, Deputy Chair of Russian Federation Government.

The special guest of the Marathon was Elon Musk, the head of SpaceX and Tesla. He advised students to read a lot of science fiction books and study diverse areas to be able to combine their knowledge of different spheres. He also shared a number of forecasts. For example, the inventor thinks that all means of transport will be electronic and interpreters will be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future.
