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Dictation of Victory in IvSU

Dictation of Victory in IvSU

On April, 29 Ivanovo State University held the International historical dictation on the events of the Great Patriotic War – “Dictation of Victory”.

The assembly hall of the 1st study building welcomed everyone registered at диктантпобеды.рф. 70 people took part at the dictation – students, teachers and quests.

While opening the event rector of Ivanovo State University Aleksey Malygin noted the wide scale of Dictation: 110 points for it were opened only in Ivanovo region.

The chairman of Ivanovo city council Aleksandr Kuzmichyov joined IvSU to write the Dictation. In his welcoming speech he underlined how important it is to remember the feats of our heroes. That is why the stela “The city of larour merits” is going to be installed at the entrance to the city. Ivanovo got this title in 2020.

The Dictation of Victory was performed as a test. Participants had 45 minutes to answer 20 questions about the Great Patriotic War, great commanders and prominent dates in the history of our country.

The results of the Dictation of Victory will be published at the official website диктантпобеды.рф in May.
