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Online meeting of representatives of IvSU and Bukhara State University

Online meeting of representatives of IvSU and Bukhara State University

On February 16, a meeting of representatives of IvSU and Bukhara State University (Republic of Uzbekistan) was held in the Zoom-conference format. Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and International Cooperation N. Sorokin, Head of the Center for Russian Studies and International Education I. Ibragim and Associate Professor of the Department of General History and International Relations I. Borzova took part as representatives of IvSU; Vice-Rector for International Cooperation A. Juraev took part as representatives of the Bukhara State University.

Since 2018, the IvSU cooperation agreement with the Bukhara State University has been in effect. The parties agreed to develop a "roadmap" for this cooperation, which should include a multi-faceted scientific and educational cooperation: mutual and joint participation in conferences, publications in peer-reviewed journals, advanced training courses, etc. The topic of creating joint educational programs was also touched upon.
