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Students of the Institute of Humanities of IvSU took part in the work of the Model UN

Students of the Institute of Humanities of IvSU took part in the work of the Model UN

From December 3 to 7, 2020, 1st and 2nd year students of The Institute of Humanities (Department of International Relations) took part in the work of the Model UN in the Far East for the first time.

This annual event, held by the far Eastern Federal University, brings together students from various institutions of higher professional education in Russia, as well as near and far abroad. This year, during the 5 days of the online conference, students discussed issues on the agenda of the United Nations, as well as topics related to current political events. Acting as a representative of one of the UN member states, they developed their vision of solving the problems facing the world community.

The work was organized in several committees. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific developed issues related to the achievement of the sustainable development goals in this region, as well as the development of science, technology and innovation in the period up to 2030. The Commission on Environmental Protection considered climate change and the financing of Smart Land Use projects. The World Bank discussed the issues of providing loans to developing countries to reduce poverty.

Discussing such difficult issues for real politicians, our students were able to acquire the skills of public speaking in English, negotiating with representatives of various UN member states, as well as learn how to draw up documents (both in a team and individually), and defend their point of view.

The invaluable experience gained by students will undoubtedly help them not only in their studies, but also in the professional sphere.
