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What should I do if someone in my family has the flu or a coronavirus disease?

What should I do if someone in my family has the flu or a coronavirus disease?
  1. Call a doctor.
  2. If possible, have the person who is sick stay in their own “sick room” or area and away from others. Try to stay at least 1 meter away from the sick person.
  1. Limit contact between the person who is sick and others in the home, especially children, the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases.
  2. Ventilate the room frequently, preferably every two hours.
  3. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using household detergents.
  4. Do not share dishes, cups/glasses and other things with the person who is sick. After using, they must be disinfected. The person who is sick should eat in their room
  5. Wash your hands with soap and water, especially before and after caring for the person who is sick.
  6. Caring for the person who is sick, always use masks and gloves, disinfectants.
  7. Only one member of the family should care for the person who is sick.
  8. Use disinfectants to clean the room of the person who is sick and wipe the surfaces at least 2 times a day.