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IvSU delegation visited the summit in India

IvSU delegation visited the summit in India

At the invitation of FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry), the delegation of Ivanovo State University, which included Rector of IvSU A.A. Malygin and Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social Development N.D. Sorokin, took part in the higher education summit. It was held in New Delhi, the official capital of the Republic of India.

The Republic of India sets ambitious goals in the field of higher education. While the Indian economy is one of the fastest growing in the world, the country's higher education system is not yet able to meet its needs: there is a lack of highly qualified personnel, there are significant problems with the quality of training. The main goal: to bring higher education to the world leaders in a quarter of a century.

Five Pillars Building Higher Education in India: Vision 2047

  1. "student-centered"
  2. research and innovation
  3. development of the teaching community
  4. international mobility
  5. digital learning

Today, the country's higher education system is facing the following challenges:

  • 52% of university graduates do not meet the minimum requirements of employers;
  • 49% of budget slots are reserved for a special category of young people from a historically oppressed population, and half of the universities cannot fill these slots;
  • negative academic mobility. Surprisingly, more than 500,000 Indian students go abroad to study, while only 49,000 foreign students come to India for higher education. According to local estimates, the Indian economy loses $17 billion annually;
  • 600 out of 1,043 universities and 25,000 out of 40,000 colleges are not accredited;
  • There are 28 students per teacher, while in China and South Korea this ratio varies from 18 to 22 students per teacher, and in Russia the standard is 1:12.

What is the practical benefit of the participation of the IvSU delegation in this summit, apart from meeting academic interests? Alexey Malygin answers: “We held talks with leading Indian universities on student exchanges, met with the head of the Russian House in India and agreed to teach RFL (“Russian as a foreign language”) and promote the Ivanovo Scientific and Educational Consortium. By the way, for 2023, only 200 quotas have been allocated for places for Indian citizens to study in Russia! We also got acquainted with a large university delegation from Belarus, open to interaction and cooperation within the framework of academic exchange programs”.
