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IvSU scientists took part in the International Symposium "Family and the continuity of generations"

On September 30 – October 1, 2022, the International Symposium "Family and the Continuity of Generations" was held in a mixed format at the Institute for Demographic Research (IDR) of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in which research scientists from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. The symposium was held with the support of IDI FNISTs RAS, the Scientific Council "Demographic and Migration Problems of Russia" of the UN RAS, Ivanovo State University and the Scientific Journal "Woman in Russian Society".

Opening the symposium, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor T.K. Rostovskaya read out a greeting from Doctor of Economics S.V. Ryazantseva and noted the importance – in the conditions of social instability – of discussing the current state and results of fundamental research conducted in the countries of the world on the formation, preservation and strengthening of the institution of a multigenerational family based on traditional socio-cultural values, the formation of a positive "pro-family" public opinion, and increasing the prestige of social-prosperous child (large) family.

O.A. Khasbulatova, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region – Head of the Administration of the Government of the Ivanovo Region, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of IvSU, Editor-in-Chief of the Russian scientific journal "Woman in Russian Society", and Rector of Ivanovo State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Malygin.

The speeches of many participants of the symposium emphasized the importance of finding solutions to the urgent problems of functioning of the traditional multigenerational family and determining the prospects for ensuring demographic stability, taking into account the diversity of international research projects.

On October 1, 2022, within the framework of the symposium, a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Demographic and migration problems of Russia” was held. O.A. Khasbulatova, member of the Scientific Council "Demographic and Migration Problems of Russia" UN RAS, and N.S. Rychikhina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Ivanovo State University, presented a scientific report on the topic "Demographic situation in the Ivanovo region".

Summing up the results of the meeting of the Scientific Council, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council T.K. Rostovskaya announced the holding of the IV All-Russian Demographic Forum with international participation on December 2–3 in Moscow (read more about the event), the main purpose of which is to highlight the demographic situation in Russia in 2022, develop a strategy for a national family and demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate, creating motivation to large families, self-preserving behavior of the Russian population, regulation of migration processes.
