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"Business Boiling Point" at IvSU is open!

"Business Boiling Point" at IvSU is open!

On September 26, in the assembly hall of the 1st educational building of the IvSU, the grand opening of the space for collective work "Business Boiling Point" took place.

Polina Agafonova, the moderator of the event, the head of the IvSU Project Office, the administrator of the university “Boiling Point”, noted that our university received a grant for 3 years to support student technological entrepreneurship based on the results of the federal competition. The main goal of the program is the large-scale involvement of students in business projects, the creation and support of university technological start-ups, a new generation of young entrepreneurs, and improving the quality of training of young professionals through the introduction of new forms of education.

In his welcoming speech, the rector of IvSU A.A. Malygin noted the genuine interest of young people in the topic of entrepreneurship, stressed that today's event was made possible thanks to the contribution of many people, and above all R.S. Ibragimova, A.E. Kiryanova, S.G. Yezerskaya, who brought the project from idea to implementation, and this is a great example to follow. The new "Boiling Point" is conceived, first of all, as a space for joint activities of students of various fields from different universities of the region, so that they can combine their knowledge, skills and abilities and, as a result, get a "startup diploma". The rector wished the new "Point" successful work, students – to use all the opportunities that it opens up, and expressed gratitude to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region L.V. Dmitrieva for supporting the project.

In turn, L.V. Dmitrieva warmly congratulated all those present on such a significant event and noted that this is an important step in the overall work of the government and universities to increase the attractiveness of our higher education institutions. The new "Boiling Point" should become one of the centers of transformation in this direction, a reliable bridge between education and business, a school for teaching entrepreneurial activity.

Director of the center "My business" I.N. Kornilova emotionally emphasized in her speech that as a “twice graduate of IvSU” she feels sincere pride in our university. The management and teachers of IvSU, according to I.N. Kornilova, take a proactive position in this area and make a huge contribution to the development of entrepreneurial initiative. For its part, "My Business" is a reliable partner of IvSU and promises comprehensive support for our students' projects!

Expert of the Entrepreneurial Boiling Point, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Economics and Entrepreneurship S.G. Yezerskaya told the audience in detail about how systematically and purposefully our university is working on the implementation of the federal initiative to support youth entrepreneurship.

Well, as they say – good luck!
