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Do you want to become a professional tour guide? Contact IvSU!

Do you want to become a professional tour guide? Contact IvSU!

In IvSU, the additional professional program "Tour guide (guide)" is gaining popularity. The university has already managed to release three streams of specialists. For three months, any resident of the region can study in detail the historical, architectural, industrial and cultural heritage of the Ivanovo region. For many categories, these classes are free.

This program is being implemented by the Institute of Social and Economic Sciences of IvSU. In total, the program includes three modules (252 hours of training): the theoretical foundations of excursion activities, a workshop (the main routes of the Ivanovo region) and the practical foundations of a guide. Now students are being trained under this program within the framework of the national project "Demography". “In recent years, the range of tourist services offered has been constantly expanding. If until the end of the last century the main offer of travel agencies were "beach tours" with a standard set of services, today their share is steadily declining. Such types of products as pilgrimage tours, ecological and gastronomic tourism, extreme destinations are developing…” – said the head of the program, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management V.E. Savin. Travel firms go after clients who want variety.

Thanks to the new program, residents of the region who want to become professional guides study industrial tourism "live" get acquainted with cultural sites, architecture of the region, in order to provide quality tourism services in the future.
