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Business "Boiling Point" will open at Ivanovo State University

Business "Boiling Point" will open at Ivanovo State University

The results of the competitive selection of educational institutions of higher education in order to provide financial support for the creation and maintenance of the space for collective work "Business Boiling Points" on the territory of universities have been announced.

Based on the selection results, Ivanovo State University will receive financial support for the development of student technological entrepreneurship for 3 years.

The main goal of the IvSU program is the large-scale involvement of students in innovative business projects, the creation and support of university technology start-ups, the generation of a new wave of entrepreneurs, and the improvement of the quality of training young professionals through the introduction of new forms and technologies of education.

As part of the program, students will gain knowledge from designing a business plan to launching an MVP product and its commercialization.
