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Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education opened at Ivanovo State University

Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education opened at Ivanovo State University

On July 21, President of the Russian Academy of Education Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva and Rector of IvSU Alexey Malygin signed an agreement on the establishment of a scientific center of the Russian Academy of Education on the basis of the University.

“Ivanovo State University has been training teachers since the beginning of the last century and has rich experience and traditions in teaching and educating future teachers. We are glad that our colleagues are interested in creating a scientific center of the Russian Academy of Education on the basis of the university: this will allow scientists of the university and the Academy to combine efforts to develop a system for training teachers based on regional experience and the achievements of pedagogical science,” said the President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education O. Vasiliev.

“I am convinced that the activities of the Ivanovo Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education will contribute to the integration of the scientific potential of the Russian Academy of Education in the implementation of joint fundamental and exploratory scientific research in the field of pedagogy, psychology and other educational sciences, as well as the development of the education system in the Ivanovo Region with the involvement of Academy scientists in our University,” said the rector of IvSU A. Malygin.
