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Community service awards have found their heroes!

Community service awards have found their heroes!

On June 27, the City Administration of Ivanovo hosted a solemn award ceremony for the most socially active students of Ivanovo universities and colleges, timed to coincide with Youth Day in Russia. “Top 10 of the best” were invited, and among them was Maria Troshina, deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of IvSU students. She was awarded a Letter of Appreciation from the Administration of the city of Ivanovo.

We all know very well how much Maria Troshina works in the public arena: she oversees the mass cultural direction, leads a choreographic school (and she herself has many awards for participating in dance competitions); for 4 years in a row, she was a participant and laureate of the festival of amateur artistic creativity of students of educational organizations of the Ivanovo region "Student Spring", and also coordinated the work of the volunteer corps of the festival.

Acknowledgments from the Committee of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ivanovo City Administration for active citizenship and development of youth policy were received by Anna Bandurina, Polina Khvoshchevskaya, Artyom Naidich; A letter of thanks from the Ivanovo City Duma for active participation in cultural and socially significant events in Ivanovo – Roman Pirogov; Letter of thanks from the Department of Education for active participation in the preparation and implementation of events with the participation of young people – Nona Zakaryan; Gratitude of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region was presented to the head of the educational activities of the Ivanovo State University Valeria Chertanova; An honorary diploma of the Committee of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the city of Ivanovo for an active citizenship and development of youth policy was awarded to the chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of IvSU Kumirova Ksenia Aleksandrovna.

Congratulations to our wonderful "socialists" on the recognition of their undoubted merits!
