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Foreign students of IvSU took part in the action "Bibliotwilight"

Foreign students of IvSU took part in the action "Bibliotwilight"

On May 27, 2022, foreign students of the Center for Russian Studies and International Education took part in the action "Bibliotwilight: In the Labyrinths of Time" as part of the All-Russian Reading Festival "Biblionight", which was held from 18:00 to 22:00 in the Ivanovo Regional Library for Children and Youth.

The initiators of the action invited the audience to see the past, present and future through the prism of culture, traditions, everyday life and life of modern man. The program, created in collaboration with the library's social partners, made the perception of time alive, bright and positive. Traditionally, "Bibliotwilight" sites were organized in all the halls of the Ivanovo Regional Library for Children and Youth. Action-2022 took place on the All-Russian Day of Libraries.

"For peace and friendship!" was the name of the program organized in the Reading Room sector. Young actors presented a visualization of the stories of Ray Bradbury "Bradbury Time". The performances of the undergraduates of Philology department (Russian Language and Culture in the Modern World) of the Center for Russian Studies and International Education allowed the participants of the action to travel around the world. The highlight of the program was the musical "Jewish Wedding" and the exhibition "Jeans".
