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Rector of IvSU A.A. Malygin elected chairman of the Council of Rectors of Ivanovo Region Universities

Rector of IvSU A.A. Malygin elected chairman of the Council of Rectors of Ivanovo Region Universities

At the meeting of the Council of Rectors of Ivanovo Region Universities held on May 19, 2022, Rector of Ivanovo State University Aleksey Alexandrovich Malygin was unanimously elected Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Ivanovo Region Universities.

In addition to rectors of universities and directors of branches, the meeting was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region L.V. Dmitrieva and the head of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region O.G. Antonova.

L.V. Dmitrieva briefed the meeting participants on the preparation of an application for the implementation of the Ivanovo Interuniversity Campus project.

Heads of universities agreed on approaches to the formation of a program for the scientific and technological development of the Ivanovo region, as well as discussed the features of the admission campaign in 2022 and presented new educational programs that will begin to be implemented at universities from the next academic year.

As part of the activities of the scientific and educational consortium "Ivanovo", at the Council of Rectors, members of specialized collegiums presented the interim results of their work and the First Regional Scientific and Practical Conference.

The next meeting of the Council of Rectors is scheduled for June.
