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A round table dedicated to the status of foreign students was held at IvSU

A round table dedicated to the status of foreign students was held at IvSU

On April 12, in the conference hall of the 1st building of the IvSU, a scientific and practical round table “Status of foreign students in the Russian Federation: organizational and legal problems” was held, which was attended by teachers and students implementing the intersectoral internal grant "Social and legal support foreign students in Russian universities (on the example of Ivanovo State University): practice and prospects”.

During the event, models and principles of social and legal support for foreign students were discussed; risks arising in the course of working with foreign students in the academic environment and outside it, which various structures of the university face (in particular, the inability to control the movement of foreigners living in a hostel); the low level of responsibility of students for their behavior, due, among other things, to the legislative definition of the subject of responsibility for violation of migration laws by students represented by the university.

The participants of the round table drew attention to the low level of interest of foreign students in legal education; concluded that individual reception and counseling of foreign students at the Student Legal Aid Center on their legal problems are effective. During the discussion of problematic issues, the insufficiency of tutor support for foreign students by undergraduate students studying at the university - compatriots of these students was established.

Based on the results of the round table, proposals were developed, in particular, the need to make additions to the Internal Regulations for foreign students living in a hostel; as well as the introduction of tutors exempted from participation in the educational process at the university of the institute with their competitive selection.
