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During the visit of the delegation of Ivanovo universities to Uzbekistan, mutually beneficial cooperation is being established

During the visit of the delegation of Ivanovo universities to Uzbekistan, mutually beneficial cooperation is being established

On April 15–16, a representative delegation from Ivanovo participated in the XXI International Educational Exhibition in the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent). The delegation of the Ivanovo region includes representatives of six universities: IvSU, IvSMA, ISCTU, ISPU, IvSPU, ISACU, as well as the My Business Center.

On April 17, in the khokimat (city hall) of the Almazar district of Tashkent, the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting was held between the delegation of Ivanovo universities and the director of the My Business Center I.N. Kornilova with the leadership of the district, on the territory of which 4 large universities are located.

Based on the interests of mutually beneficial cooperation, the parties held a dialogue on establishing scientific ties, on preparing school graduates of the region for admission to Ivanovo universities, on the “Home with a Diploma” program, which provides for full-time or part-time education for citizens of Uzbekistan with the opportunity to gain work experience and diploma of one of the universities of the Ivanovo region. Through the My Business Center, an agreement was reached to hold a meeting in the format of a videoconference between Ivanovo and Uzbek entrepreneurs. In the future, the issue of sending business missions of entrepreneurs of the two countries to each other will be discussed.
