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Students of the Faculty of Law of IvSU successfully performed at the International Competition of Video Presentations “Challenges of the 21st Century”

Students of the Faculty of Law of IvSU successfully performed at the International Competition of Video Presentations “Challenges of the 21st Century”

The results of the International Competition of Video Presentations in English “Challenges of the 21st Century”, which was held jointly by the Belarusian State University, Karaganda State Technical University and Ivanovo State Power University, have been summed up.

The main objectives of the competition were to develop the presentation skills of students of non-linguistic areas of study in a foreign language, as well as to develop the creative potential and critical thinking skills of future specialists. In the final of the competition, 45 project works of students from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia were presented on topical issues of our time. The issues of education, the role of IT, artificial intelligence and information security in modern life, problems of ecology and energy were discussed.

Students of the Faculty of Law adequately represented the Ivanovo State University. 1st year student Marina Skotnikova took 2nd place in the competition with a project on the topic “Security of Personal Information on the Global Internet”. The work of the 1st year student Seleznev Nikolai on the topic “Terrorism as a Universal Tool for the Realization of Political Interests” was awarded a special Diploma of the competition “For Political Maturity”. The candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of foreign languages ​​N.G. Lavrentyeva supervised the preparation of students for the competition.

We congratulate the students on their well-deserved victory and wish them further success in learning English!
