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First international youth scientific conference “Equality of rights for men and women in Russia and in the world: the scientific potential of youth research”

First international youth scientific conference “Equality of rights for men and women in Russia and in the world: the scientific potential of youth research”

On March 19, 2022, the first international scientific youth conference on equality between men and women was held at Ivanovo State University, which was attended by about 100 undergraduate students, masters and postgraduates from seven countries and 26 Russian universities.

The results of scientific research, which young researchers told about, are diverse and affect significant social processes in the areas of management, professional activity, culture and family relations in Russian society and foreign countries.

The conference was organized by the Ivanovo State University, the scientific journal “Woman in Russian Society”, the Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the SEC “Social and Demographic Research” of IvSU.

As a result of the conference, a collection of conference materials and a special issue of the scientific journal “Woman in Russian Society” will be published.
