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IvSU opened its doors to future applicants

IvSU opened its doors to future applicants

On February 27 Ivanovo State University held an Open Doors Day in off-line format in the 1st academic building. Such a significant event, of course, could not but spread to a variety of venues. Among them there was an assembly hall, a reading room, a conference room, as well as the “Boiling Point – IvSU”.

Interactive games, quizzes, competitions were organized for applicants. The winners got prizes with IvSU emblem. Future students were introduced to the history of the university and admission rules in 2022. They learned in detail about each programme and unified state exams they have to pass to be admitted.

Representatives of the administration, directors of institutes and the law faculty dean warmly welcomed future students, spoke about the features and advantages of the chosen areas, about professions that can be acquired after graduation, and answered all questions.

Heads of directions presented new educational programmes that are launched in this academic year. In addition to the existing ones, IvSU will have 2 completely new areas: “Education in the field of choreography” and “Information security”.

At the end of the event, the activists of IvSU Welcome Center made a tour around the university for applicants and their parents. Future students got acquainted with the main locations in the 1st and 6th buildings of IvSU.
