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Investigation Department officers held a lesson for students about countering extremism and terrorism

Investigation Department officers held a lesson for students about countering extremism and terrorism

On February 9, officers of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Ivanovo Region held a lecture for foreign students of Ivanovo State University on the topic “Legal Basis for Countering Extremism and Terrorism”.

During the lecture, Andrey Fedirko, senior inspector of the Control and Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee, told the students about the basic concepts of terrorism and extremism, as well as innovations in the legislation of the Russian Federation in this field. He informed the students about the practice of investigating criminal cases of extremist and terrorist nature.

In addition, the students were explained the danger of posting content prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation: videos, audio recordings, Nazi symbols and any other information containing signs of extremism. Students learned about criminal liability for these crimes and offenses, as well as about the consequences that occur if a person was held accountable.

The event was also attended by the officer of the Drug Control Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Ivanovo Region. He spoke about legal liability for drug trafficking.

During the lecture, students with interest discussed the raised topics and received detailed answers to their questions.
