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Scientific activity in student assessments

Scientific activity in student assessments

On the Day of Russian Science, the expert and analytical center of IvSU conducted a study among university students (n = 285 people). On this day it is especially important to pay attention not only to the social significance of scientific activity, but also to the need to increase the prestige of science and popularize its achievements among students. Senior students of all areas of study, including bachelors and masters, took part in the survey.

The study showed that in students' assessments scientific activity is closely connected with the modern educational process. Senior students believe that without regular research practices it is difficult to become a professional in their chosen field. Research activity provides new experience, opens the way to meeting interesting people, allows you to build a successful career, and also increases the chances of entering graduate school.

The main forms of participation of IvSU students in scientific activities are research under the guidance of a teacher, presentations at scientific conferences, as well as the publication of abstracts and scientific articles. It should be noted that 62.4 % of IvSU students participate in scientific activities.

Undergraduates are attracted by project activities that allow them to express themselves, gain practical experience in participating in non-standard situations, and solve a significant problem. Half of the surveyed students take part in project activities.

The rest of the research results are presented in the infographic. Get involved in science!
