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IvSU opened Boiling Point!

IvSU opened Boiling Point!

On January 25, the Day of Russian Students, a truly significant event took place – the opening of the “Boiling Point – IvSU” with the participation of representatives of federal and regional authorities. 3rd in the region and 141st in the country – but the first “university” in Ivanovo region, associated with the expansion of the very format of higher education, and with the opening of new opportunities for collaboration as part of a wide variety of communities and associations.

Boiling Points work with business partners, universities, regional development institutions, help local teams launch and widen projects, and support meetings of specialized communities. The “Boiling Points” format is actively developing today as a network of “unique spaces for teamwork” with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and autonomous non-profit organization "Platform of the National Technological Initiative", but, of course, the functionality of the “Points” is much wider, and their role is more significant. Today speakers told a lot about it. They were: special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for digital and technological development, general director of ANO “Platform of the National Technological Initiative” Dmitry N. Peskov; founder of the "Boiling Points" network in Ivanovo, Russian businessman and futurist Kirill B. Ignatiev; IvSU rector Aleksey A. Malygin; Nina O. Yanykina, rector of the "University of National Technology Initiative 20.35"; deputy chairman of the Government of Ivanovo Region Lyudmila V. Dmitrieva; head of Ivanovo Vladimir N. Sharypov; Andrey V. Zorin, manager of the Ivanovo branch of Sberbank of Russia; Boiling Point Network Development Director (ANO NTI Platform) Alina V. Yashina and Project Manager of the “Boiling Point Network Development Center” Vladislav S. Shirokov.

The rector of our university, Aleksey A. Malygin, expressed his hope that thanks to this new format we will be able to produce not only new meanings, but also products required by the country for its development. He underlined that we need to create conditions for young people to implement their initiatives, and this space should become a center of attraction for students from other universities, a place of concentration of the “human capital” of Ivanovo region, its young talents. The rector warmly thanked everyone who contributed to the creation of “Boiling Point – IvSU”, and everyone who took part in its “launch”.

At the end of the ceremony IvSU and ANO NTI Platform signed the Agreement on cooperation in development of co-working space “Boiling Point”.
