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Meeting of Ivanovo universities students with the governor of the region

Meeting of Ivanovo universities students with the governor of the region

On January 24, on the eve of the Day of Russian Students, the assembly hall of IvSU 1st building hosted a meeting of student activists of Ivanovo universities with the governor of the region Stanislav S. Voskresensky.

The main theme of the event is the concept and content of the interuniversity campus of international level, which will be created on the basis of the Big Ivanovo Manufactory. The governor stressed: “The goal is not only to have, in a few years, just a space with a good hostel and good infrastructure in the city center, not finally restoring the buildings of Ivanovo manufactories. It is also a meaningful task. That is, you and I need to become a powerful center on the map of higher education in the Russian Federation”.

For more than an hour, the students asked a lot of questions to which our governor tried to give the most informative detailed answers. It was a very democratic, professional and frank conversation about pressing problems and real prospects.

During the meeting, discussions covered “filling” the future campus, solving transport problems, creating jobs, sports, and developing the media sphere. Students from different universities shared with the governor a long overdue problem: how to establish productive interaction between the leadership, student communities of various higher educational institutions in the region in the face of different approaches, the complexity of resolving financial and administrative issues, competition and mutual misunderstanding?

It seems that everyone was satisfied with the results of the meeting. Yes, young people are now more concerned about success in social networks, all kinds of “aesthetic” professions, than solving problems that are relevant for the region. But perhaps the future campus will help Ivanovo students to better understand their role in the prospects for the transformation of our entire region!
