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Meeting of "IvSU Ambassadors" project the participants with the leadership of the university

Meeting of "IvSU Ambassadors" project the participants with the leadership of the university

On January 14, our university hosted the first meeting of schoolchildren from the city and the region – registered participants of the project "IvSU Ambassadors" – with the leadership of the university. The project "IvSU Ambassadors" is aimed at popularizing the brand of our university among potential groups of applicants. Ambassadors of IvSU among schoolchildren are those pupils who are planning to enter our university and are ready for various cooperation with the university.

The meeting began on the territory of “IvSU Future Boiling Point”. Rector Aleksey Malygin, vice-rector for social development and international affairs Nikita Sorokin and executive secretary of the admission committee Svetlana Yezerskaya presented our university to future students.

Schoolchildren got to know our university, the history of its development, received detailed information about admission to IvSU and educational programs implemented in it. Then the participants had a tour of the classrooms and museums of IvSU, and after a coffee break, it was time to talk with the directors of the institutes and the dean of the Law Faculty.

Students actively asked questions and received detailed answers. So, the project has entered the stage of practical implementation!
