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Law students of IvSU took part in the International Academic Week

Law students of IvSU took part in the International Academic Week

Within the framework of the International Academic Week held at IvSU, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of Editepe University (Turkey, Istanbul), Dr. Baris Erman, and Honorary Professor of IvSU, Dr. Martin Finke (Germany, Passau) delivered lectures on the topics “Social media and criminal law "and "The role of suspicion in prosecution" for law students. These lectures were a continuation of the long-term fruitful cooperation of the Faculty of Law with the Universities of Passau and Yeditepe.

In addition, graduates living abroad: Anna Romanova (Luxembourg) and Ilya Mamin (USA) – told the students about their work. The specificity of local legislation and its differences from the Russian legal system caused a large number of questions from students and teachers who took part in the meetings, and became the basis for productive discussions.

We are confident that the international contacts of the Faculty of Law will continue to develop successfully.
