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How to behave after being vaccinated against COVID-19?

How to behave after being vaccinated against COVID-19?

Rospotrebnadzor reminds that COVID-19 is a very dangerous infection that can have an unfavorable outcome. Infectionists and epidemiologists are unanimous: only vaccination, which is carried out within a short period of time, when a large pool of protected people is created in the population and the transmission of the virus from person to person is interrupted, can stop the further increase in the incidence and finally cope with the epidemic.

By vaccinating against airborne infections, in particular, from the new coronavirus, you not only protect yourself, but also show responsibility towards loved ones, family and colleagues, make sure that the infection does not spread!

After vaccination, take care of your health carefully:

  1. After vaccination, some people may experience a flu-like syndrome - fever, etc. Not everyone may have such a reaction, but if one has, this is normal. Symptomatic therapy is allowed - you can take antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. In the first three days after vaccination, vigorous physical activity and sauna are not recommended. You can take a shower.
  3. In the first three days after vaccination, it is recommended to limit alcohol intake.
  4. A full-fledged immune response to the vaccine will be formed within 35–42 days, therefore, after vaccination during this period all precautions must be taken so as not to become infected with the coronavirus.
  5. While immunity is developing, it is necessary to wear a mask, observe social distance, carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  6. If you become pregnant after the vaccinations or between the two shots, do not worry. Vaccination does not pose any additional risks and a threat to the health of nulliparous women and their future offspring.
  7. If you have already been vaccinated, share your experience with friends and family. Perhaps your example will be an important reminder and give confidence to those who have not yet done so.