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Scientific seminar dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of Ivanovo School of Lexicography

Scientific seminar dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of  Ivanovo School of Lexicography

On October 28, a scientific seminar dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of Ivanovo School of Lexicography was held at the Institute for the Humanities. The scientific supervisor of the school is the head of the Scientific and Educational Center "Topical problems of modern lexicography", Doctor of Philology, Professor Olga Karpova.

Rector of IvSU, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Aleksey Malygin and vice-rector for research and project activities, associate professor, candidate of sociological sciences Inna Smirnova welcomed the participants. Moderator of the event was the head of the Department of Foreign Philology Ekaterina Shilova.

Representatives of Ivanovo School of Lexicography presented their reports. Professor, doctor of philological sciences Olga Karpova spoke about the research of Ivanovo School of Lexicography and the prospects for its work; Director of the Institute of Humanities, associate professor, doctor of philological sciences Svetlana Manik made a speech on the current topic “Lexicography in the era of digitalization. Corpus lexicography"; associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Ekaterina Grigorieva spoke about international lexicographic projects (based on the dictionary "Florence in the Works of World Famous People").

Associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Tatiana Taganova made a presentation on culturally-marked vocabulary in new generation dictionaries. Head of the Department of Foreign Philology, associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Ekaterina Shilova considered the problem of lexicography of the subject area "Tourism", as well as new directions in modern lexicography.

Invited scientists from other universities spoke during the second part of the scientific seminar. Associate professor, doctor of philological sciences N. Akhrenova (State Social and Humanitarian University) presented a report on the following topic: "Online dictionary as a type of project." Professor, doctor of philological sciences V. Ikonnikova and senior teacher E. Pronina (MGIMO) made an interesting report on the development trends of modern legal terminography and the specifics of fixing marked units.

Professor, doctor of philological sciences N. Yudina (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) presented a report on an interesting topic “On the question of the lexicographic description of the noun “mask” (on the example of the latest Russian-language discursive practice)”.

More than 90 scientists, teachers, students, masters, graduate students from Ivanovo, Moscow, Kolomna, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Bratsk, Vladimir and other cities took part in the seminar. The delivered speeches aroused wide interest among participants.
