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Find your key to the art

Find your key to the art

An opening day dedicated to the work of two outstanding contemporary artists, our fellow countrymen, Alexander V. and Elena A. Klimokhins was held on October 14 in the reading room of the 1st academic building of IvSU.

Opening the exhibition "Union of Artists", the rector of IvSU Aleksey Malygin noted the importance of cooperation with the Ivanovo branch of the Union of Artists of Russia: the exposition starts the 18th season of the joint artistic and educational project "The Light of Russia", and this is an important aspect of the cultural enlightenment of the younger generation.

Art critic Elena A. Tolstopyatova noted that the subtle and graphic complex works of Elena Klimokhina foster a culture of perception, they combine fantasy, the highest plastic culture, the culture of the line, exquisite ornament and lace ligature – but no sentimentality and nothing superfluous. And Alexander Klimokhin is an artist with his own strategy and at the same time constantly developing. Earlier works are richer in subject and composition; the later ones are more laconic, more graphic; the artist is moving along the path of creating a special texture; despite the seeming monochrome, he is exquisitely coloristic, being a master of tonal painting, pictorial nuances. Changing and diverse, Alexander Klimokhin is invariably recognizable stylistically.

In her response, Elena Klimokhina thanked the university for the provided opportunity and noted that an exhibition in such a hall is a great responsibility, because one needs to learn to "read" graphics, it is more difficult to watch it than painting. And Alexander said that this hall had become almost native for him. Moreover, he even deduced a certain rule for himself: “If the work withstands this hall, it means that it has taken shape, has taken place,” passed the test.

The exhibition presents 33 works: 21 – graphic – by Elena Klimokhina, and 12 – pictorial – by Alexander Klimokhin. One of the presented works by Alexander Klimokhin is named after a small detail, which, however, is the center of the composition – "The Key". Do not miss the opportunity to visit the exhibition and find your key to understanding art!
