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Student sport is about life and movement!

Student sport is about life and movement!

On September 20 we celebrated the International Day of Student Sport at the IvSU sports complex.

Loud applause from the full hall welcomed the teams of all Ivanovo universities lined up on the sports ground. The first floor was taken by the deputy of the Ivanovo Regional Duma Maksimov Valery, who congratulated everyone on the wonderful holiday, noting the importance of the successful development of children and youth sports in our region. Valery Maximov wished the audience to be active, purposeful, develop their talents and, of course, not forget about sports and physical education - after all, these are guarantees of health, vigor and energy. We suppose that the sportsman victory happens largely due to his/her coaches and teachers. On the International Day of Student Sport the awards were given to the coaches of the teams which won Games of Universities 2020–2021. After that the results of the Games were summed up: the women's team of IvSU took the overall 3rd place, and the Ivanovo State Power University was recognized as the absolute winner (this nomination was introduced for the first time) andawarded the challenge cup. Receiving the award, the head of the department of physical education at ISPU Mikhail Belov emphasized how hard it is to achieve sporting success, and wished the participants of today's event to be "always on the move"! We join this parting word and congratulate all the winners and awardees!

After the impressive performance of the drummer ensemble, the floor was given to the head of the Department of Sports of the Ivanovo Region, Anton Lopatin, who noted the increased attention of both the authorities and the townspeople to sports life. New sports facilities are being commissioned, but the main thing is that young student talents are growing, and they never cease to amaze us with their victories.

After that he personally presented the gratitude of the Department of Sports to the university teachers of the departments of physical culture, thanks to whose efforts numerous achievements of our athletes-students became possible. Many years of mentors’ experience, an unquenchable fire in their souls, their dedication to their work serve to develop the body and spirit of the younger generation. Of course, letters of gratitude from the Department of Sports, as well as golden badges of the “Ready for Work and Defence” complex were awarded to the best student athletes.

Concluding the official part of the event, the rector of IvSU Aleksey Malygin noted that our university is always happy to meet guests within its walls, and emphasized the uniqueness of our region in terms of the number of universities and the development of student sports. He wished the athletes and their mentors to multiply their sporting achievements, and announced the opening of the Games of Universities 2021–2022.

After a short 3x3 basketball master class, a gala match between the teams of the ISPU and ISCTU was held which was then followed by a gala mini-football match between the teams of the Government of the Ivanovo region and university teachers. The final score of the match was 6:2, and the best player of the meeting was the mini-football virtuoso, head of the Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety of IvSU Evgeny Sokolov.

Once again, we congratulate everyone who attended this wonderful holiday, and join the words of its host: be active, strong, dexterous, believe in yourself - and may the habit of winning never leave you!
