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ek.loginov@mail.ru | |
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In the past few years, increased attention has been paid to gauge field equations in space-time of dimension greater than four, with a view to obtaining physically interesting theories via dimensional reduction. Such equations and connected with one the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield states appear in the supergravity, in the low-energy string theory and M-theory. Using solutions of the Yang-Mills equations makes possible to obtain soliton solutions in these theories. Therefore the search and investigate new solutions of the higher-dimensional self-dual Yang-Mills equations having applications in particle physics is one of my interests.
My current research concerns also various aspects of classical solutions in 11D supergravity. There has recently been a great deal of interest in finding de Sitter and anti-de Sitter vacua of supergravity and string theory. This is motivated in part by the desire to construct possible models for late-time cosmology. Interestingly, the gravity-matter system may be reinterpreted as a pure gravity theory with a torsion that are given locally by the Cayley structure constants of a geodesic loop in the affinely connected space. Thus, we may study the Bose sector of 11D supergravity using not only geometric but also algebraic methods.
Methods of the Cayley algebra also may be applied to research of supersymmetric string solitons. It is well known that in addition to the five-brane solutions one-brane and two-brane solutions of heterotic string theory are existed. The construction of these solutions involves crucially the properties of octonions. In particular, a connection between strings and octonions that is provided by the existence of super Yang-Mills theories and Green-Schwarz superstring action in D=3,4,6,10 with the number of transverse dimensions (1,2,4,8) coinciding with the dimensions of the four Hurwitz algebras, cannot be accidental. Therefore the role of octonions and other exotic algebraic structures in superstring theory is also interesting for me.
From the viewpoint of mathematical physics, some above works has made most conspicuous the possibly central role played by octonions and mathematical structures connected with one. This topic goes in and out of fashion and from time to time somebody takes it up and pushes it a little further. The octonions have a sort of magical attraction and the feeling is that one day their very characteristic special features will find a natural application. It is certainly true that some of the special features involve exceptional Lie algebras, which play a role in the particle physics because of its relation with GUT, supergravity and superstring theory.