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Students of Yeditepe University at Russian Language Courses at IvSU

Students of Yeditepe University at Russian Language Courses at IvSU

From August 16 to August 29, seven students of the partner Yeditepe University (Istanbul, Turkey) studied Russian language and culture at Ivanovo State University within the framework of the current international cooperation agreement.

This program was a continuation of the Russian language course, which they and other Turkish students began in the spring of this year during distance learning sessions organized by the Center for Russian Studies and International Education of IvSU under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Irina Ibragim.

Our university has prepared a rich educational and cultural program for students. After the classroom lessons, the children went to a workshop on the Russian language in the city, which invariably causes special interest among foreign students. Students of Yeditepe University visited the Ivanovo Cathedral Mosque and the Ivanovo House of Nationalities, took part in the game program in Stepanov Park, went on excursions to Ples and Suzdal, and also tried their hand at decorating gingerbread and making folk dolls-amulets during master classes specially organized for them by the Trade Union Committee of IvSU.

Ivanovo State University and Yeditepe University started cooperation in 2008. Over the years, dozens of our students have taken part in Russian and Turkish language programs, summer schools, attended the partner universities for the semester abroad programmes and successfully spoke at joint international conferences.

According to the cooperation agreement, the next academic year students of IvSU will go to Editepe University to participate in Turkish language courses.
