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Ivanovo State University has improved its position in the leading Russian university ranking

Ivanovo State University has improved its position in the leading Russian university ranking

The Interfax news agency has published the annual National Ranking of Russian Universities. The universities were assessed according to six indicators: "Education", "Brand", "Research", "Socialization", "Internationalization", "Innovation". Ivanovo State University has risen in the ranking by more than 30 positions compared to 2020. This is the most dynamic improvement in positions among all Ivanovo universities.

It should be noted that IvSU scored the highest number of points among all Ivanovo universities in "Education" indicator (the first level of education is assessed) and "Socialization" indicator (the social environment of the university, the impact of university on the development of the region and the country, organization of lifelong education are assessed).

This year we offer applicants more than a thousand budget-funded places. This number is the highest in the region. IvSU is waiting for you!
