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Awarding Letters of Gratitude from Children's Rights Ombudsman in the Ivanovo Region

Awarding Letters of Gratitude from Children's Rights Ombudsman in the Ivanovo Region

On June 23 in the conference hall of the 6th academic building a solemn ceremony of awarding Letters of Gratitude from Children's Rights Ombudsman in the Ivanovo region was held. This is an annual ceremony, and such letters are given to both children and adults. The second ("adult") part of this event took place at IvSU. At the event projects related to achievements in the field of child development and child interest protection and their participants were awarded.

The first Letter of Gratitude was presented to the rector of IvSU Aleksey Malygin for cooperation with Children's Rights Ombudsman and participation in the organization of the All-Russian project “Runway” in Ivanovo Region. Tatyana Okeanskaya noted that IvSU and the Ombudsman Institute are linked by long-term cooperation. In response, the vice-rector of IvSU Nikita Sorokin conveyed the words of regret from Alexey Malygin about the impossibility of his personal presence at the event, as well as the following: “At the university we value friendship, cooperation, partnership with the Ombudsman Institute and personally with you, dear Tatyana. Thanks to your efforts, our region is distinguished by a very strong, very adult, very professional Ombudsman Institute".

Further Letters of Gratitude were awarded to:

– Gorkov A.V., chief freelance specialist of the Health Department of the Ivanovo region, head of the Department of outbound patronage palliative care at the First City Clinical Hospital;

– Kozhina A.N., President of Ivanovo Charitable Foundation "Good Hope";

– Yazeva E.V., Chairperson of the Ivanovo Public Organization “Public Committee for the Protection of Childhood, Family and Morality “Cradle””;

– Filippov S.N., chief physician, Povasaris S.V., psychotherapist, and the staff of Ivanovo Narcological Clinic;

– Ivanovo regional public organization of families raising children with disabilities and invalids from childhood "Solar Circle".
