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Telebridge with the students from the University of Florence

Telebridge with the students from the University of Florence

On April, 23 Ivanovo State University held the zoom meeting for third-and fourth-year students of “Foreign Philology” program studying Italian and students from the University of Florence studying Russian. The aim of the event was to give students a chance to speak foreign languages to native speakers. The meeting was coordinated by Ekaterina Grigorieva, the teacher of the Foreign Philology Department.

The meeting was logically divided into two parts: “Russian” and “Italian” ones. During the first part of the telebridge the communication was in Russian. Our students showed a presentation created by them for their Italian companions and devoted to different aspects of Russian culture: art, literature, music, symbols and so on. Italian students showed good knowledge of Russian culture,

The second part was in Italian and our students had a great chance to practice this language with native speakers. Students discussed a variety of topics: Italian cuisine, music, studies, sights, travelling and leisure.

The atmosphere at the meeting was comfortable and friendly. The event was useful for both Italian and Russian students as it contributed to breaking language barrier during the communication and improving speaking skills. After the telebridge students exchange their contact details and decided to meet again.
