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IvSU held interuniversity competition on foreign languages for freshmen

IvSU held interuniversity competition on foreign languages for freshmen

On March, 30 Department for foreign languages (IvSU Institute for Humanities) held an interuniversity competition on foreign languages for freshmen studying at non-linguistic programs.

A record number of students from different Ivanovo universities (Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo State Power University, Ivanovo Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology) took part at the competition (total 68 students).

For students studying English the competition was organized at two categories: “Social and humanities category” (29 students) and “Natural science category” (28 students).

The competition consisted of several stages. Students were to accomplish tasks to check their listening, reading, writing, grammar and lexical skills as well as area studies knowledge. Participants were required to show the high level of language, linguistic and cultural background.

The maximum possible points were equal to 50.

Social and humanities category (English):

1st place– Vlasov Sergey (Ivanovo State University, Institute for Humanities, International Relations program – 46 points);

2nd place – Shepeleva Ekaterina (Ivanovo State University, Institute for Humanities, International Relations program – 44 points);

2nd place – Nosov Aleksandr (Ivanovo State University, Institute for Social Studies and Economics, Economics program (Finance and Credit) – 44 points).

Natural science category (English):

1st place – Filatov Aleksandr (Ivanovo State Power University – 39 points);

2nd place – Kokurina Tatiana (Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology – 35 points);

3rd place – Gogoleva Ekaterina (Ivanovo State Medical Academy – 32 points).

It was the first time when Department for foreign languages hold the competition for students studying German. 11 participants were welcome to take part in it.


1st place – Rodionova Daria (Ivanovo State Power University – 35 points);

2nd place – Stupakov Mikhail (Ivanovo State Power University – 34 points);

3rd place – Muzhzhakova Ekaterina (Ivanovo State University, Institute for Social Studies and Economics, Economics program (Finance and Credit) – 32 points);

3rd place – Runov Maksim (Ivanovo State Medical Academy – 32 points).

Winners would get prizes from Ivanovo State University. Students who took first places would be offered to join foreign language courses in InYaz IvSU language center and have chance to improve their language skills.

The jury thanks all the participants and hopes the competition was interesting and allowed students to learn something new. We also hope that students interested in foreign languages will take part in projects initiated by IvSU Institute for Humanities.
