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All-Russian Unified Day of Free Legal Aid at IvSU for International Students

All-Russian Unified Day of Free Legal Aid at IvSU for International Students

On March 26, 2021, under the leadership of the head of the REC of IvSU "Accessible Legal Environment", Head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights N. V. Isaeva, a meeting of bachelors of 2-4 courses and undergraduates of the 1st year of the full-time Faculty of Law – volunteers of the Center for Student Legal Assistance (legal clinic) – with foreign students studying in different areas of bachelor's and master's programs was held in the conference hall of the 6th building of the IvSU.

The meeting was attended by 34 foreign students. It was held in several formats. First of all, foreign students received answers to previously asked questions in the form of detailed and accessible presentations on medical law, health insurance, vaccination, obtaining the right to permanent residence and a residence permit, the basics of labor law and the specifics of employment of foreigners in the Russian Federation. During the presentations, more than ten questions were asked, to which foreign students also received detailed answers. Then an individual appointment was held in accordance with the rules of the legal clinic (signing of consent, interviewing, coordination and planning of subsequent meetings, preparation of an oral or written response, and the necessary documents). 9 people applied. The questions concerned not only the above-mentioned branches of law, but also family, housing, business, constitutional and migration law.

In addition, during the meeting, many written questions were submitted, on which further meetings of volunteer lawyers with foreign students will be planned on an individual basis. There is a lot of work to be done, which will mainly have to be done by full-time students.

We would like to thank Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Procedural Law, Candidate of Law E. A. Krutiy, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Candidate of Law O. Y. Taibova, Teacher of the Department of Comparative Law and Lawmaking A. M. Muratova, who supervised the volunteers, as well as students of the Faculty of Law I. S. Matveev, A. M. Shahova, A. A. Timin, L. I. Galynina, A. P. Molkova, A. R. Kulikova, E. M. Chikunov, V. A. Chekalova, M. D. Semyashkina, D. A. Thanks to their good will and desire to help, our university has become a participant in an important All-Russian campaign – a single day of free legal aid.
