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Information day of the company Education First at IvSU

Information day of the company Education First at IvSU

On March 19, IvSU hosted the information day of the company Education First. Kamilla Safronova, Director of the "Language Courses Abroad" program at Education First, and John Torrey, EF English teacher from the United Kingdom, told the students and teachers of our university about the various opportunities for studying abroad, as well as aspects of learning and teaching foreign languages.

The information day began with a discussion seminar "Zen in Education", during which the participants were able to test their knowledge of modern trends, including in a playful way, and speculate on the topic "Does education keep up with current trends?"

An open class in English, where our guest, John Torrey, was asked a lot of questions about choosing a profession, learning the language, and living in Russia and the United Kingdom, aroused great interest among all those present.

Then students were able to get acquainted with the variety of language courses and internships abroad and the nuances of admission to master's degree programs at universities in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, and Germany.

Great interest was aroused by a methodological seminar for English language teachers, during which participants were able to analyze how to better engage students, make the language learning process easier and more effective, and what new tools and techniques teachers can use in the process of teaching a foreign language.
