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At the meeting of the Academic Council of IvSU, the directors of institutes and the Dean of the Faculty of Law were elected

At the meeting of the Academic Council of IvSU, the directors of institutes and the Dean of the Faculty of Law were elected

On March 5, 2021, a meeting of IvSU Academic Council was held in the assembly hall of the 1st academic building, dedicated to the election of the directors of the institutes and the Dean of the Faculty of Law.

All candidates have successfully passed the voting procedure. The following positions were elected: Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technology and Science – Tatyana Petrovna Kustova, the Head of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, leading researcher of the educational and scientific complex "Chemical Physics"; Director of the Institute of Humanities – Svetlana Andreevna Manik, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology; Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Sciences – Irina Valerievna Kournikova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Banking; Dean of the Faculty of Law – Olga Vladimirovna Sokolova, Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.
