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The fate and prospects of regional higher education are discussed at a scientific conference in IvSU

The fate and prospects of regional higher education are discussed at a scientific conference in IvSU

11 December 2020 at 10:00 in the auditorium of the 1st building of IvSU, the opening of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Russian Regional University: Informatization, Digitalization, Humanization" was held. It was dedicated to understanding the diversity of historical destinies and prospects of the Russian Regional University through the prism of modern models of domestic and foreign higher education systems, as well as the search for optimal solutions in the context of the contradiction of trends and trends in the development of university education.

The conference, organized with the support of the RFBR and held in a mixed format, is attended by more than 120 people from many regions and cities of the Russian Federation, as well as 5 countries.

The plenary session of the conference was held in the format of a podium discussion "Regional Higher Education: Limits of Growth". Delegates discussed the most urgent issues: providing the region with qualified personnel, the bureaucratization of education, the development of academic mobility, the personnel problem in general ("aging" of personnel, outflow of personnel, etc.), the low interest of business in education and science, the departure from the model of the Soviet university education to the modern business model, backwardness in the field of educational programs, etc.

Such a conversation is long overdue, and at the sections ("Regional Universities: a Passing Era or a Long-Forgotten Old One", "New Educational Universe: Content, Technologies, Methods", "System Aspects of Digitalization of University Education", etc.), in the "Workshop", at Round Tables and Expert Sessions, high-ranking administrators and specialists of various profiles will look for ways to solve the accumulated problems.
