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The Council of the IvSU Alumni Association started its work on

The Council of the IvSU Alumni Association started its work on

On November 5, the conference hall of the 1st academic building hosted the first organizational meeting of the Council of the newly created the IvSU Alumni Association with the participation of the University management.

In fact, it turned out to be a real "round table over tea" – the participants of this meeting wanted to discuss so much. Acting rector of IvSU Alexey Malygin, who greeted the audience, and Vice-rectors Inna Smirnova and Nikita Sorokin, and our interested guests – graduates – well-known in the city and region and, as they now say, "successful" people. Everyone literally started talking in the same way about the need to revive or rejuvenate many fine traditions that connected the University with all aspects of life in the region, so that the great name "IvSU" again became a real and unique beacon for the younger generation (quote from the conversation – "previously, only IvSU graduates were hired by "Sberbank Ivanovo"). Lyudmila Agafonova, the Director of the regional branch of the FSUE Russian Post in Ivanovo, Yevgeny Sudibor, Director of the GTRK «Ivteleradio», Elena Ivanova, Director of the the Regional Center of Competencies in the Field of Labor Productivity, and Lyubov Kalmykova, Director of the Laboratory of Contemporary art "Avangard center" of Recreational and Cultural Center in Ivanovo, told their "success stories", shared their memories and ideas that suddenly came to mind, and at some point they just started saying" our IvSU", as if many years in other spaces and dimensions were not behind them. This was very touching – and it inspires confidence in the successful and fruitful work of the Council. After all, a real University is not (as they now say about "smart weapons") "shot and forgot". A real University is forever. This is not just "loyalty to the banner", but a real link between generations: young enthusiasm, fire in the eyes, and thirst for knowledge and activity – and wisdom, experience of overcoming and winning, professionalism, strategic thinking and planning. A real University lives thanks to its graduates – they carry its mark in their hearts, and implement what they receive here. Everyone said this without the shade of a doubt.

Many ideas were discussed: how to attract employers to the University; how to revive the spirit of student unity, which was felt through the activities of the trade-union committee, "Studvesna", KVN, sports; how to develop social advertising related to IvSU, broadcast a positive image of the University; how to create a professional environment that connects the University and specific companies (basic departments, project work, etc.); formats for involving graduates in educational activities (teaching, meetings with students, interviews, etc.). They spoke with one voice about the great potential for the development of the University, the use of its platforms for a wide variety of activities.

The first result of the event was an agreement to meet in December in an expanded format (so many ideas were expressed!) to start implementing specific initiatives.
