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Inclusive education - modern realities

Inclusive education - modern realities

April is World Autism Awareness Month, and IvSU hosts a number of events that are designed to draw attention to people with ASD, to tell the society that there are special people among us - but very creative and talented. 

On April 10, in the foyer of the 6th building of the IvSU, volunteers - students of "Designer of an inclusive environment" program and representatives of the Russian Post met teachers and students. On this day, it was possible to send a kind postcard with drawings of children with disabilities to anywhere in our country. The action was actively attended by students, teachers and leaders of the university. IvSU Rector Aleksey Malygin sent a unique postcard to his mother, and the total number of sent postcards in two hours of “good mail” was 223.

A round table "Socialization of people with disabilities by means of culture and art" was held in the conference hall. The rector of IvSU addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, highlighting the path the university has traveled in the formation and development of the theme of inclusion in education. It was interesting to learn that teachers Irina Deltsova, Yulia Markelova, Sergey Ryabkov (now the director of gymnasium No. 32) were at the origins of the creation of the regional Center for distance education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.
