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Useful talk about culture and its popularization

Useful talk about culture and its popularization

Our university is a partner of the "First Avant-Garde Factory", and on October 10, within its framework, it became a platform for a round table on the topic "Promotion of cultural events in social media and the media: new formats." The event took place in the assembly hall of the 1st educational building of the Ivanovo State University, attended mostly by students of the educational program "Journalism", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Cultural and Historical Design", as well as representatives of student activists. The First Avant-Garde Factory was represented by Irina Golubeva and Mikhail Denezhkin.

Cultural media (multimedia) projects are everything related to video (videos, programs, etc.) and aimed at popularizing culture and cultural events. As the producer of multimedia projects in the field of art and culture (and moderator of the round table) Katya Livergant noted, the idea that culture and media projects are not related to each other is not true. Culture, according to her, becomes available to a person when he trusts it and opens up, and this openness is ensured by (multi)media popularization, and there is no need to invent any “special formats”. Then she introduced the speakers: Katya Zagvozkina, a journalist of the Buro 24/7 media project, an American philologist by training; Andrey Berezkin, head of strategic partnerships of the Odnoklassniki social network; Oksana Kuchirka, one of the creators of the Kultura.RF portal (participated online).

In the course of the performances, certain “scissors” were quickly identified in the perception and interpretation of the very concept of “culture” between our guests and, at least, part of the audience: our guests insisted that we should talk about culture in a modern space in exactly the same way as about fashion, leisure, lifestyle, etc., without singling out cultural issues as a “special niche” and even treating it as entertainment. Such an approach, of course, has its advantages: the popularization of the "cultural product" is, of course, greatly facilitated even technologically; the circle of people who can consider themselves "cultivated" is expanding. The disadvantages are also obvious: it is often not the culture itself that comes to the fore, but the scandals associated with media personalities; value aspects of culture fade into the background.
