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Talented students of IvSU will receive scholarships from Tele2!

Talented students of IvSU will receive scholarships from Tele2!

The Russian mobile operator and Ivanovo State University announce the start of a scholarship program. The authors of the three best ideas aimed at developing the digital environment of their native region will share the prize fund from the operator in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Tele2 invites IvSU students to act as experts and develop proposals for launching useful digital services for residents, as well as projects to improve the field of digital education in the region. Young people of full-time education in all areas of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs can take part in the competition.

Stepan Yegikyan, director of the Ivanovo branch of Tele2:

“The scholarship program at IvSU will give us the opportunity to support talented young people from Ivanovo, those who strive to realize their most daring ideas in the field of digital technologies. At all stages of the competitive selection, specialists from Tele2 and the university will supervise the guys: we will give an expert assessment of all projects, and students, in turn, will receive important experience in working in a project team. We expect the contestants to decide on other rules: ahead of time challenges aimed at improving the quality of education or the development of telecom.”

The competitive selection will be held in 2 stages and will end with the solemn defense of projects at the end of the academic year. The prize fund from Tele2 in the amount of 200 thousand rubles will be distributed among the authors of the three best ideas. For the 1st place the award will be 100 thousand rubles, for the 2nd place – 60 thousand rubles, for the 3rd place – 40 thousand rubles.

Alexey Malygin, Rector of Ivanovo State University:

“We see the strengthening of interaction between IvSU and our business partners as one of the priority areas for the development of our university. Tele2 has been closely cooperating with the university for several years. We organize joint educational and scientific events for students, some of whom then do an internship in this company and find a job after completing their studies. Scholarship support for talented students is a new vector of our cooperation. I am sure that the projects presented by IvSU students will be implemented at a high level and will find their application in the real sector.”

Applications for participation in the program are accepted until November 6, 2022 on the website student.tele2.ru. IvSU students have three topics to choose from. “Generation of zoomers & Tele2” – in this category you can submit ideas in the field of mobile communications that are interesting to young people. "Digital Universities of the Future" are projects with innovative teaching methods and digital services for students and teachers. “New Applications of Telecom” – non-standard IT solutions that will be useful to the region and residents are considered here.

Mikhail Khokhlov, Head of the Information Society Development Department of the Ivanovo Region:

“A new scholarship and a student project that they start can become a start-up and develop into much more, for example, into quite serious grants from our state. The state and state corporations are very much looking forward to these young talents at work. And of course, we will always help, somewhere legally, somewhere we will share our experience, please contact us.”

The program is part of an agreement between Tele2 and Ivanovo State University. Since 2021, the operator has been holding training events for students, and in the new academic year, it has established scholarships for the winners of the intellectual competition.
