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The best graduate of IvSU – 2022

The best graduate of IvSU – 2022

On July 7, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the contest “The best graduate of IvSU – 2022” took place.

The annual competition has been held for 13 years already and aims to identify and encourage the most talented and active university graduates, as well as to attract the attention of the business community of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo region to the employment of young professionals.

This year more than 600 people (bachelors and masters) graduated from the university; 131 of them received a diploma with honors. We really have a lot to be proud of!

By the decision of the academic councils of the institutes and the faculty, 35 graduates were awarded the title of “Best Graduate of IvSU – 2022” in the relevant areas of training. These are young people who have proven themselves in educational, research and social activities, who have an active life position, high motivation and aspiration for leadership. Many of them have already established themselves as promising specialists in their professional field.

Dear friends! Proudly bear the glorious name of a graduate of Ivanovo State University, do not forget and carefully preserve the traditions of your Alma Mater. Remember that you are always welcome and loved here!
